children reading ebooksDoes Your Child Use an e-Reader? (Apartment Therapy)
We asked you all a few years ago whether you read to your kids from an e-reader. Now that my boys are in elementary school, I’m wondering about the corollary: about your children reading ebooks on an e-reader?

The Best of Both Worlds? Not so Sure… (Digital Book World)
Amazon made the headlines once again with the introduction of Amazon Source. This is an outreach to independent bookstores to sell Amazon Kindles. The headline on their site states, “The Best of Both Worlds.” Needless to say, many bookstore owners and others in the publishing industry have coldly responded to this offer.

Flagship Toronto Chapters Store to Close (GoodeReader)
In 1999 Chapters moved into the The Runnymede theatre that was first established in 1927. The curtain is about to fall for the last time as the flagship bookstore in the Toronto area will be closing in the next few months.

Amazon Editors Choose their Best Books of 2013 (Galleycat)
Amazon has revealed the bestselling books of 2012, a list led by Donna Tartt, Khaled Hosseini and David Finkel.

Kindle Daily Deals: The Winthrop Woman (and 4 others)


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