Amazon Fire PhoneWe Love and We Hate Reading for Pleasure (Book Riot)
Reading is great, and we can talk about it in a million different contexts, but we must always pause for a moment to offer a people now don’t read like people used to read, like there’s some sort of crusty Reading God to whom we must occasionally say these holy grumbles and offer a bow, lest the god be offended. And then we carry on.

Man Booker Prize- Disappointing and Disappearing (Digital Book World)
My guess will be the apathy for the list will pass over to the customer and we’ll see some headlines about one celebrity book outselling the entire longlist, apart from maybe one or two that would have done well anyway. While a judged prize rather than chosen by the reader, the fact that five of the list haven’t yet been published demonstrates the regard the customer is held in by the prize selectors.

Amazon Fire Phone Review Roundup (The Digital Reader)
I’m still working my way through the reviews but I don’t think very many of the reviewers liked the phone. Here are a few of the choicer excerpts.

7.5% of Book Buyers Are Buying Less from Amazon Due toHachette Dispute (GalleyCat)
Amazon’s dispute with Hachette is causing about 7.5 percent of book buyers to buy less from the online retail giant and 1.4 percent of book buyers are buying more, according to figures based on research from Peter Hildick-Smith of the Codex Group.

Kindle Daily Deal: The Absence of Mercy (and others)


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