eBooks Now 3% of French Market (The Digital Reader)Morning Roundup
eBooks might be seeing immense popularity in US and UK but they’re not having the same luck in France. There’s a new report out this week that shows that ebooks are still a negligible part of the french book market.
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Self-Published Children’s Author Shares Advices (GalleyCat)
Author Tim Cohorst was the first children’s book author to crack our Self-Published Bestsellers List this year. Since its publication last year, His Jocomo book has always hovered near the top of the Smashwords charts.
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The Future of Books: Library Apps (Book Riot)
I recently got a Spotify account, and right away I realized that I would never buy music again. And then I got the shivers, and realized that soon this would also be true of books.
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Six Digital Publishing Startups to Watch (USA Today)
You know you can blog with Tumblr or WordPress, or self-publish a book on Kindle or iBooks. But what’s next for the publisher who wants to sell a mobile-native magazine, or the blogger who’s sick of messing with plugins?
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Kindle Daily Deals: “The Thin Red Line” by James Jones (and 3 others)


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