Cartoon Rejection Rates at the New Yorker (GalleyCat)Morning Roundup
How many times have you been rejected? The average cartoonist who works with The New Yorker magazine could get rejected up to 15 times every single week.
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Scholastic Tips for Encouraging Summer Reading (Good e-Reader)
While it’s tempting to think of the time off from school as a time to relax the rules a little bit, at least where academics are concerned, studies have shown that students who do not spend time reading during the summer months actually return to school having lost significant ability on comprehension and vocabulary tests, whereas students who spend time interacting with books during their school holidays actually tend to return to school with gains, not just maintaining their reading levels from the previous school year.
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Coursera Lit Class Wishlist (Book Riot)
But I have to ask, where are the lit courses? I suspect there aren’t many because they would involve reading, and no one reads on the internet; but just think of the fun and unusual classes you could teach online that would attract bibliophiles like cronuts attract, well, everyone. Here are a few of my suggestions (just in case, you know, someone’s listening).
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What the Nook Debacle Teaches Us (Digital Book World)
Whether you like it or not, it’s now an app world and we just live in it. That’s the lesson digital publishing consultant Kristen McLean derives from last week’s big news: the terrible earnings report from Barnes & Noble – led by poor performance by Nook and the discontinuation of Nook’s standalone tablet program.
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Kindle Daily Deals: “Edward Adrift” by Craig Lancaster


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