kindleboxKindlebox Automatically Sends Books from Your Dropbox to Your Kindle (Lifehacker)
It’s pretty easy to send just about anything to your Kindle, but if you’re looking for an even more automated solution, Kindlebox does the job by linking a Dropbox folder to your Kindle and sending anything over automatically.

New Dr. Seuss Books Coming in July (Ink, Bits & Pixels)
Penguin Random House is going to publish a recently rediscovered Dr Seuss book later this year.

Business Musings: A Year of Experiments (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
So much experimenting, so many different projects, that I walk into my office and find my head spinning. Thanks to some changes we made at WMG in the past few months, even more opportunities have arisen, and I’ll be taking advantage of those as well.

Some Authors are a Victim of Malware on their Websites (GoodeReader)
Some authors though have to be wary, the more popular you become, you have to start considering about security.

Kindle Daily Deal: Party Girl (and others)


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