piracyWhen Low Ebook Prices Aren’t Enough (Digital Book World)
As the economics of digital bookselling evolve, bargain prices don’t always pack the punch they once did in terms of driving sales.

Today Calendar developer “punishes” pirates creatively (Android Community)
The app determines if the install is pirated and will insert random “pirate-themed” events into the user’s calendar. He has already implemented one, a “Walk the Plank” event that has a graphic of a plank suspended over shark-infested waters. There’s also a note saying, “That’s what ye get fer piratin’ matey.”

Ancestry.com Files Bogus DMCA Notice to Keep Public Domain Records Offline (Ink, Bits and Pixels)
Long the go-to site for declassified US govt documents, The Black Vault has recently faced a setback in its efforts to digitize and upload records from Project Bluebook, the US Air Force’s decades long program which documented UFO sightings and alien contact reports.

The Man Who Invented the Science Fiction Paperback (Slashdot)
But Ballantine’s greatest influence on mass culture was publishing science-fiction paperback originals, with writers including Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Theodore Sturgeon, and Frederik Pohl and publishing the first authorized paperback editions of J.R.R. Tolkien’s books.

Kindle Daily Deals: Under Your Skin (and others)


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