book buyingWhat I Learned From a Week Away from Tech Distractions (Lifehacker)
My days are filled with emails, pings, and notifications. So much so that I forgot what it was like to be away from all of the distractions of technology I’ve grown accustomed to.

Research: Where do You Buy Your Books? (GoodeReader)
There are hundreds of digital bookstores all over the world and the purpose of our research is to determine the most popular. Over the course of the last two weeks 364 people cast their vote and today we would like to share our results.

Series Romance: The Long Goodbye (Dear Author)
One of the best things about writing these posts on how people are buying and reading books is that they’ve really gotten me to look at my own book buying and reading habits and how they have changed.

Will J.K. Rowling return to Harry Potter? (
It’s been eight years since J.K. Rowling wrapped up the tales of Harry Potter and his pals with her final book in the beloved children’s series, but time has done nothing to dull fans’ interest in all things Potter.

Kindle Daily Deal: Ice Man Cometh (and others)


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