reading on the busJuvenile Book Sales Plummet (PW)
Industry members expected that sales in the two segments would cool this year and sales, which started to slow this spring, plunged in the week ended April 19, 2015, compared to the similar week in 2014. Unit sales in the juvenile nonfiction category fell 39% in the week and dropped 46% in fiction at outlets that report to BookScan.

In Praise of the Digital Calendar (Unclutterer)
Dave has declared his love of the wall calendar, and I agree with the points he made. I also know plenty of other people who work well with either paper wall calendars or planners they carry with them. But a digital calendar works best for me, so I thought I’d provide the other perspective.

10 Exemplar Educational Apps (Teachers with Apps)
In addition to 10 exemplar educational apps, we have listed six developers that need to be recognized for their outstanding work.

School Bus Driver Calls Reading on the Bus Dangerous (GalleyCat)
An eight-year-old Canadian girl has been asked to stop reading books on the school bus, after the driver told her that it could be harmful to other kids.

Kindle Daily Deal: Suzy’s Case (and others)


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