wikipediaOn Loving the Library While Building Your Own (Book Riot)
So what happened to transform me from an avid library-goer to someone who doesn’t even know where her library card is?

10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Intellectual Property Law (Lifehacker)
How well do you understand copyright and trademark law? When you travel about the Internet or make art, do you know what you are and aren’t allowed to do, or do you have intellectual property myths stuck in your brain.

Wikipedia Expands Auto-Translate Feature (The Digital Reader)
Wiki Media announced over the weekend that they are expanding the (currently beta) auto-translate feature to include support for more languages.

The Top-Viewed Wikipedia Page for Every Day of 2014 (Quartz)
The interactive graphic below shows the top-viewed page for every day of last year.

Kindle Daily Deal: Hundreds of Educational Books (and others)


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