B&NWe Need a New ‘Church and State’ in Digital Publishing (Media Shift)
Much of the digital content industry is lost today in discussions about the blurred line between publisher and advertiser — otherwise known as the divide between church and state.

Harlequin, Divergent Drive HarperCollins (PW)
The purchase of Harlequin, combined with the continuing strong sales of the Divergent series, resulted in a 24% sales increase at HarperCollins in the first quarter of fiscal 2015, which ended September 30.

Barnes & Noble Launches New Audiobook App (GoodeReader)
B&N has just unveiled their new Nook Audiobook App for Android. It is currently in beta and should be ready for prime time in the next few weeks. The service is launching with over 50,000 bestsellers, so there should be something here for everyone.

Embrace Change (J.A. Konrath)
Writers have it better than any other creative profession right now but it feels like we don’t appreciate our good fortune and haven’t adopted the mindset where we fully embrace change. The transition to digital is hugely disruptive – and not always in positive ways – but it’s solving a number of long-standing problems, particularly the issue of author earnings.

Kindle Daily Deal: My Year as a Clown (and others)


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