harlequinAn Afternoon at Harlequin (Dear Author)
I had been warned by Sarah Wendell of Smart Bitches–who had visited the Harlequin headquarters before–that the offices where Harlequin is housed is a rather ordinary building featuring a plain exterior. Inside is where the magic takes place.

A Kindle Software Update Lets You Share eBooks with Your Family (GigaOM)
Amazon started pushing an over-the-air update to certain Kindle e-readers on Friday, which means that the new e-reading features Amazon touted when launching its Kindle Voyage will soon be available for older Kindles as well, as promised.

Five Trends to Watch (PW)
But six months later, Amazon’s purchase of Comixology raises nearly as many issues as it seemed to resolve.

Book Publishers Dash to Beat Black Friday Deadline (WSJ)
With Black Friday looming ever closer, the dash to claim space on crowded holiday bookshelves intensifies this week as some of the season’s most anticipated titles go on sale. What’s unclear is whether any blockbusters will emerge that prove as irresistible as the Steve Jobs biography a few seasons ago.

Kindle Daily Deal: Over 20 Top-Rated Mysteries and Thrillers (and others)


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