Morning LinksThe Real Costs of Publishing a Book (Media Shift)
At every writers conference or self-publishing panel the question that almost always inevitably comes up is: “How much will self-publishing really cost me?”

New Bookstats Report Shows Spectacular Growth of eBook Market Since 2008 (The Digital Reader)
The American Association of Publishers announced their latest annual BookStats report today, and while the full report won’t be up for sale for another week or so, I got an early look at some of the data.

eInk Announces New e-Paper Technology Called Mobius (Good e-Reader)
E Ink has just unveiled a new large screen e-paper display screen that will soon be hitting mass production. Mobius uses a TFT technology that will enable the development of much lighter and rugged products.

What News Organizations Are Learning from their eBook Efforts (Poynter)
News organizations have responded to changes in readers’ habits by moving beyond the newsstand and toward the bookshelf, zeroing in on ebooks as a new revenue source and a way to explore genres not typically found on front pages or home pages.

Kindle Daily Deals: The Demands by Mark Billingham (and 3 others)


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