d59bd4d9-a5e1-4542-9dd1-fadf2dd9e3e0Well, that didn’t take long. Back in October, I covered Charlie Stross’s post explaining why a middle book in his “Merchant Princes” series was not available in e-book form. Today, Stross posted another blog entry to note that situation has changed:

I am happy to announce that The Merchants War has been available on Kindle and, I am told, via B&N and iBooks, since November 19th.

(I’d be even happier if someone from my publishers had, like, told me, but the next time that happens will be the first time, so, well, better late than never.)

I wonder whether Stross’s blog post explaining the situation a couple of months ago had anything to do with its being remedied? Either way, it shows that sometimes gaps in the “celestial library” can be remedied.


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