win10The above means retail prices of “$119 for Windows 10 Home, $199 for Windows 10 Professional, and $99 for a Windows 10 Pro Pack to jump from a licensed copy of Windows 10 Home to the Professional version,” says PC World.

But if you own a “genuine Windows PC,” Microsoft will reward your purity and obedience with a free upgrade for “the supported lifespan of the device,” whatever that means.

Here’s some ”reservations”-related information to line up your Win 10.

Significantly for e-book lovers, Windows Phone 8.1 users will be able to upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile even though it won’t be available as early July 29.

If you want to read e-books on your Windows desktop or mobile, Freda is among the more interesting possibilities to check out. Stay tuned for TeleRead’s quick intro to a mobile version tomorrow.

Related: Microsoft-supplied info and How to upgrade to Windows 10: What you need to know, from PC World—including a list of system requirements. It covers the desktop upgrade only.


  1. Agreed, Chris. Comparisons would be interesting in terms of interface as well as speed. And don’t forget the phone versions. I need to break off for some long overdue exercise, but I expect to have an overview of the Freda phone app up tomorrow.

    I’m running it on both my Windows 8 desktop and my Win 8.1 phone.

    The overview will be far from full documentation, but enough to give people a feel for the Feda app, so they can fill in the blanks.


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