imageMark Coker of Smashwords has probably forgotten more about self-publishing than many people will ever know. But luckily for us, he has put everything he does remember about self-publishing into a series of four 90-minute presentations he gave at the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference in Seattle. And he has consolidated the four presentations into a single 283-slide deck that he has placed on a slide sharing site and shared via LinkedIn.

The presentations cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to eBook publishing
  2. eBook publishing best practices
  3. iBooks merchandising
  4. How to hit the bestseller list with eBook preorders

The LinkedIn article contains summaries of each presentation. The slide sharing site has a transcript of all the slides. (And at least for me, the slide deck viewer on the LinkedIn article cuts off the bottom line of text from the slides, but the version on the slide sharing site doesn’t seem to do that.) Coker also links to his free e-book, The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success.

Coker asks of all writers who view the slides, “If you find this information useful, please don’t keep it a secret. Please share this with your writer friends. Working together, we can help more writers learn to publish with pride, professionalism and success.”

Although I haven’t had the time to view too many of them myself, I know I will find the information very useful. The slides are complete in that they include a full explanation embedded in the slides—they’re not just pictures meant to accompany what the speaker is saying aloud. (And the transcript on the slide sharing site will be useful to read the explanations in context.) They should be useful to read on their own even without Coker there to explain.

It’s great to have this information available. Kudos to Mark Coker for sharing.


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