Screen shot 2010-04-05 at 4.32.42 PM.pngReceived an email from Laisvunas Sopauskas about a set of programs he, and I, had never heard of before. Over at are the following. Check them out and leave your comments here:

Lucidor – Lucidor is a computer program for reading and handling e-books. Lucidor supports e-books in the EPUB file format, and catalogs in the OPDS format. Lucidor runs on the GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS X platforms.Lucidor is developed by Ordbrand. Lucidor provides functionality to Read EPUB e-books; Organize a collection of e-books in a local bookcase; Search for and download e-books from the Internet, for example by browsing OPDS catalogs; Convert web feeds into e-books.

Lucifox: Lucifox is an e-book reader extension for the Mozilla Firefox web browser. It enables you to read e-books and browse e-book catalogs in a browser window. It can also be used to create e-books from web feeds. It supports e-books in the EPUB format and catalogs of the OPDS kind.

Lucicat: Lucicat is an e-book catalog system. It can be used to publish e-book catalogs on the Internet. It supports catalogs of the OPDS standard. The main component of Lucicat is an application which runs on a web server and serves OPDS catalog feeds to clients. It also includes administration tools to create the catalog data. Lucicat uses a MySQL database to store the catalog data in, and PHP to generate the catalog feeds.


  1. It’s clearly in the early stages of development, but looking quite promising. It’s the first ePub reader I’ve come across that actually supports the IDPF method of font encryption. (It also supports the Adobe method.)

    It’s very nice to have confirmation from a third-party (apart from epubcheck) that I’ve got the IDPF encryption implemented properly!

    Now I must get around to uploading the script to Mobileread, to go with the one for Adobe encryption.

    Hopefully ADE will be updated soon to also support the IDPF method. I wonder if iBooks on the iPad does?

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