image I received the following email today from, a site where people upload their own audiobook recordings of public-domain books. These recordings are themselves put into the public domain, so they can be used for any purpose just as the original texts can. I have used a couple of them myself in my podcast The Biblio File.

Dearest LibriVox listeners, volunteers, & supporters:

For four-and-a-half years, LibriVox volunteers have been making audiobooks for the world to enjoy, and giving them away for free. We’ve made thousands of free audiobooks that have been downloaded by millions of people; our site gets 400,000 visitors every month. To date, all our costs have been borne by a few individuals, with some generous donations and support from partners. However, these costs have become too big.

For the first time (and hopefully for the last time for at least another four-and-a-half years) we’re asking for your support, for a $20,000 fund-raising campaign.

Find out more about why we are raising money, and about how you can donate by following this link:

Thanks for all your wonderful work over the years, and here’s to many many more free public domain audio books.




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