manga.jpegFrom Resource Shelf:

Manga is the Japanese word for “comic book,” and a type of graphic novel. Traditionally rendered in black and white, printed on coarse paper, and designed to be portable, manga is an art form for the masses, accessible to a wide spectrum of people from all walks of life. Manga genres range from horror to romance, science fiction to family dramas, military epics to sports stories, and everything in between. “Anime” is the word used to describe the film equivalent to manga.

The guide is done in a manga style.

The guide was co-authored by OverDrive and TOKYOPOP, the manga publisher that OverDrive will offer libraries.

+ Librarians have found that carrying manga is a great way to encourage reluctant readers (often male) to come into the library and start reading.

+ Manga encourages readers to learn about other cultures.

+ Manga also has strong appeal to teens and 20-somethings, age groups that are sometimes overlooked or underserved in the library.


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