
It’s not directly ebook related, but it is important to report on any attempt by small-minded fools to impose censorship.

From The Guardian:

“To hell with the censors!” said Kurt Vonnegut. “Give me knowledge or give me death!” Now the late author’s memorial library is acting on his words, giving 150 copies of his seminal novel Slaughterhouse-Five away for free to students at the Missouri school that banned it late last month.

The Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library is asking interested pupils at Republic High School in Missouri to drop it an email requesting a free copy of Slaughterhouse-Five after an anonymous donor provided it with 150 copies of the book. “We think it’s important for everyone to have theirFirst Amendment rights. We’re not telling you to like the book … we just want you to read it and decide for yourself,” said Julia Whitehead, the library’s executive director, in a note on its website entitled “stop the madness”.

More in the article.


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