Screen Shot 2011 09 29 at 8 45 52 AM

Got an email from Alastair Scott about this.

There was absolutely no notice of this, but it has appeared on W H Smith’s Web site:

Unfortunately, the price is ridiculous. £169, even with 20% VAT included, bears no relation to $129 in the US – and I suspect that that will have to come down given the pricing of the new Kindles.

The picture is from the WHSmith site and you can find it here.


  1. I also noticed this ludicrous price about a week ago when they said you could pre order and assumed it was a mistake.
    Kobo announced a European distro deal with redcoon making the Kobo touch available across the whole of Europe, except the UK for 149 euros a week or so ago.
    149 euros equates to about £128.00.
    Maybe someone mistakenly multiplied by the 1.14 exchange rate rather than divided?
    Whatever, the £129 Sony PRST1 looks an absolute steal.

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