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Much more in the article:

Kindle Touch (3G) – Unexpected aspects and a few changes noted: ” While I had wanted to quick-blog first impressions after 12 hours with the Kindle Fire Wednesday (which I more than enjoyed despite minor reservations), I’ve been doing the forums and trading information.  There’s always so much there that people find and relay.

BUT — my Kindle Touch 3G/WiFi arrived today, so I looked into that.

And now I want to report on that first, due to a couple of unexpected items that impressed me.

And there are several changes I want to highlight.

The known loss of the Free 3G Web-lookup feature   Some, including me, have been disappointed that, unlike the 3G/WiFi Kindle 3 (“Kindle Keyboard”) model and its much-appreciated free 3G webbing that’s so useful when traveling — locally even, but especially in countries where roaming charges for smartphones are sky-high —  the Touch models don’t offer free 3G web lookups internationally as the older 3G Kindles did.  But I can see  now why Amazon decided not to offer it on the new Kindles.  I wouldn’t either if I were paying for it.”

(Via A Kindle World blog.)


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