
From Andrys Basten’s A Kindle World blog:

Taiwan’s DigiTimes has a report today by Sammi Huang and Alex Wolfgram that Amazon is ‘currently facing problems with mass production due to problems with the device’s front light design, which may delay shipping of the device until later in the third quarter, according to industry sources.’

There’s an error in the article in that they say Amazon’s been working on this ‘since’ B&N launched its Glowlight model, but Amazon acquired a company specializing in this technology quite some time before that and was reported to be working on a new Kindle model that would use a built-in front light.  However, they’ve still not produced one yet.

  ‘Recent reports’ indicate to DigiTimes that Amazon has ‘stopped certain parts shipments’ for that new e-Ink Kindle and these may be stopped ‘throughout July and August in order to tackle issues with the device’s front light”

(Via A Kindle World blog.)


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