wish.jpgInside Higher Ed has an editorial by Joshua Kim lamenting the lack of coursepacks on the Kindle. He concedes that that the market seems to be moving to the iPad, and he lists all the disadvantages of the Kindle platform, but he still wishes the Kindle were an option as well:

Thing is, I like my Kindle. I find reading on it to be a pretty good experience. I like that it is so light. I like that it was cheap ($139). I like the light built into the case. I like that the battery lasts forever. I like carrying my Kindle around, and if I were a student I think I’d want the option to also read my course materials on my Kindle. I’d also want the paper copy, and the iPad copy, but the Kindle version would be important to me as well.

From what I can tell, the big coursepack providers are also moving away from the Kindle. They want to talk about the iPad. They want to talk about the RIM PlayBook. They want to talk about the coming wave of Android tablets. The Kindle is a more difficult conversation.

Thanks to Michael von Glahn for the link.


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