imageThe real Kindle disses .epub, and the screen contrast could be better.

But wait. Suppose you could just eat a “Kindle Cake” and drown your grumpiness in a sugar high—courtesy LilPeaPod on the team sugar site.

LPP gives no word on price or availability. Rumor is that there’s a backup at the bakery in China.

“”Unfortunately,” Engadget quotes one skeptic, “the screen refresh times of ’30-35 minutes at 350 degrees’ is just plain unacceptable.” No word on the DRM situation. Or other proprietary gotchas. I’m hearing rumors this baby needs Domino Sugar.

(Via MobileRead.)


  1. David…just an interesting comment I had about the Kindle. I was at a conference with a co-worker who has no interest in ebooks, but saw me using my Kindle. His comment was that he was surprised at how good the contrast on the Kindle. Now he is in his mid-20s and probably has much better eyes than my going-on-40 eyesight, but I found that interesting.

  2. Interesting info, Brian. I wonder about the relationship between age and perceived screen contrast. Anyone know of studies with findings, one way or another? I just wish that both the Kindle and Sony Reader provided an all-bold option, as the Cybook Gen3 does. Thanks. David

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