kevin_smith_bookCNet has an interview with Kevin Smith in which he talks about his newest movies, his presence on the Internet, and the recent uproar over the MPAA giving an R rating to a movie made for children. But Smith also discusses his new book, Tough Sh*t: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob who did Good. Smith reports that he sold more electronic copies of it than paper copies.

Is that disappointing to you that you sold more e-books than physical ones?
Smith: God, no. Heavens, no. I don’t have the same perspective I had 15 to 20 years ago. I don’t fetishize the release in one medium, particularly the traditional version. I did a book tour across the country, and that was great, but I’m not one of those cats like, when people say, "film has been replaced by digital, don’t you lament the loss of actual celluloid?" And I’m like, "no, man, I don’t care. I watch my movies on an iPhone at this point."

He also reports hearing from a lot of people on Twitter who bought his book because of his free podcasts.


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