kandle.jpgFinding a good booklight for the Kindle is hard. This is mainly because the narrow sides of the unit don’t allow most clip-on lights to fit very well. I have a Mighty Bright, which is the one you see in most stores, but it is rather fiddly to keep it clipped properly to the Kindle. The best solution I’ve seen so far is the M-Edge e-Luminator, which I reviewed here, but it requires an M-Edge case to work.

I haven’t tried the new Kandle, but it looks as if it might solve the problem. The wide clip is designed to fit right over the top of the Kindle. If anyone gets one of these please let us know how it works.


  1. I bought a Kandle and it did not work for me with the 6″ Kindle. There was too much fall-off of the light at the bottom of the screen. I wanted very much to like this because it is a wonderful form factor. Many others, however, are very happy with it if you can believe the comments on the Amazon Kindle forum. I cannot see it working with a DX at all.

  2. I recently got a Kandle. As Mary says, the fall-off in light intensity makes it less than ideal. Especially on my new 8-inch iRex. Not too bad as a supplementary light source in low-illumination areas, but I wouldn’t be able to stand it for long reading in bed.

    It’s back to clipping the Mighty Bright on the cover for me, for the Kindle 2 and Cybook, though my DR800 has to wait until the leather cover arrives in the mail.

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