According to I Love My Kindle, Puzux, who has published a number of puzzle books for the Kindle, has now published Jumble. It costs $0.99.510pULypRyL._SL500_AA266_PIkin2,BottomRight,-11,34_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg

… they worked out an arrangement with Tribune Media to bring you the same kind of Jumble you see in the newspaper (if, you know, you ever look at newspapers any more).

You probably know them: there is a cartoon with a joke question, and the answer is sort of a pun. You then have scrambled words. When you unscramble them, certain letters are designated as being part of the answer to the cartoon. You unscramble those to get that answer.

… Puzux has made this interactive on the Kindle. It has to be done over Whispernet, and that’s worth noting. You have to have the Whispernet connected to be able to play.

More info at the site.

Thanks to Andrys Basten for the heads up.


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