konrath.jpegAs reported in a press release, and on Konrath’s blog, AmazonEncore will release J. A. Konrath’s new book in the Jacqueline “Jack” Daniels series – Shaken. The Kindle version will go on sale first, in October, and the print version will hit in February, 2111. Konrath’s six earlier books were published by Hyperion.

On his blog he says:

“My Kindle readers have been incredibly faithful fans and I’m excited to be able to release the Kindle edition of ‘Shaken’ several months before the physical version is available to purchase,” said Konrath. “Since it’s easier, faster and cheaper to create an e-book than it is a physical book, Kindle owners will get to read the seventh Jack Daniels before everyone else. The ability for authors to reach fans—instantly and inexpensively with a simple press of a button—is the greatest thing to happen to the written word since Gutenberg.”

The Q and A on the blog is interesting. Here are a couple of questions:

Q: You signed a print deal? I thought you weren’t signing any more print deals.

A: I signed a print deal with a company that can email every single person who has every bought one of my books through their website, plus millions of potential new customers. I’ve never had that kind of marketing power behind one of my novels. I’d be an idiot not to do this.

Q: Aren’t you going to piss off traditional publishers?

A: Traditional publishers had a chance to buy Shaken last year. They passed on it. Their loss. Their big loss. Their big, huge, monumental, epic fail.

Q: Is Amazon going to sell the Kindle version for a lot of money?

A: Amazon is smart, savvy, and pays attention to my suggestions. The Kindle version of Shaken is going to be released for $2.99. …

Q: The Kindle version is coming out four months before the paper version. Why?

A: It’s easier to release an ebook than a print book. Print books require printing, shipping, warehousing, pre-orders from bookstores, etc.

Q: So Shaken will be available in bookstores?

A: If they order copies, yes. We’ll see how the Amazon sales department does. I know for sure many of my bookseller friends will get copies into their stores. But I have no idea if the book will actually be stocked in any of the chains or indies. And, frankly, I’m not concerned. I believe this is going to sell well regardless.

Q: I thought AmazonEncore only published reprints of self-published books by new authors, not original titles from known authors.

A: As far as I know, I’m the first “name” author to have a new, original work published. Several other ebook writers who have self-pubbed on Kindle are going to be released through AmazonEncore over the next year, but I thought it would make a bigger splash to write a book specifically for Amazon. I like making splashes.

Q: This is potentially a game-changer for the publishing industry.

A: A game-changer? I think it is downright historic. And I couldn’t be happier to play a role in the revolution sweeping the publishing world.

There will be a clear-cut winner in this revolution. The winner will be the group that deserves it the most: The Readers. Together, Amazon and I are giving readers what they want–inexpensive, professional ebooks.

I’ve been saying for over a year that readers don’t want to pay a lot for ebooks, and I’ve been posting lots data and numbers to back-up that statement. I now have a publisher who agrees with me.


  1. Will people even still be reading print books in 2111? 🙂

    If you don’t own a Kindle, you can still read Kindle format books on PC, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android (I think), Blackberry, and presumably soon others. Say what you will about its evilness in other things; Amazon’s doing a pretty good job blanketing general-purpose devices with its reader apps.

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