Screen shot 2010-05-27 at 9.28.19 AM.pngNot only do they review the app, but they have an excellent comparison with the Kindle app for the iPad.

Here’s a snippet. The full review is well worth reading.

There are a few advantages B&N eReader App has over Kindle for iPad –

You can read newspapers and magazines. Perhaps the biggest advantage.

Page Numbers. Lots of people want this as a feature on the Kindle. A very important advantage if you need to refer to page numbers for assignments or for any another reason.

Lots of choice in fonts. That being said there isn’t any font as pretty as Kindle for iPad’s Caecilia.

Lots of choice in general – line spacing, margins, full justification on or off, ability to change colors.

The ability to save your own themes. Definitely a fun feature.

The in-app Dictionary is a pretty cool feature too. Tapping a word gives you three options Kindle for iPad doesn’t – dictionary, search Google, search Wikipedia.


  1. I downloaded it last night (I think it was released around 2 a.m.) and first thought it was pretty good, then I realized that, in most cases, you hit “delete from iPad” again and again and the sample you never solicited that it taking away “boookshelf space” just won’t be deleted. I say “in most cases” because I managed to delete one such sample by trying again and again. This may be a fluke, but unacceptable in Production. They should have tested it more thoroughly. It would not be such a big deal if you had ANY option to rearrange the books on your shelf, or if the book cover images weren’t so darn large that it is seriously taking away screen space.

    BTW, there is one reviewer who called it “the best (reading or ebook) app in the app store”. I’d venture to say that that reviewer may have some vestd interest in such a rage review 😉

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