
From ZDNet:

Apple’s Newsstand for iOS has only been open to the public for a few weeks, and already the mobile app is proving to be a wild success for digital publishing.

Conde Nast might be reaping the most rewards at the moment as magazine publishing house saw a 268 percent increase in digital subscription sales since Newsstand rolled out with iOS 5 on October 12.

Following this rapid success, Conde Nast is also planning to bring three more of its heavyweight titles to Apple’s tablet, including Conde Nast Traveler, Bon Appetit, and the grande dame of them all,Vogue. UPDATE: The rub is that Conde Nast didn’t provide base figures. PaidContent noted that Conde Nast had a digital circulation of approximately 500,000, with a subscriber/authenticated print reader ratio of 50/50, as of late September.


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