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Says the Roku FAQ:

A “Private Channel” is a channel or application that a Roku channel developer distributes outside the Roku Channel Store. A developer may decide to create a private channel if they want to reach a specific audience (for example, a corporate audience) without making their channel available to all Roku customers.

However, private channels can be added to a Roku by anyone if that channel’s code is available.  In checking out the latest private codes I found one for the Internet Archive.  I added it and it works just fine.

The categories you can access are classic cartoons, animation shorts, classic tv, comedy films, film noir, scifi and horror, arts and music, computers and tech, cultural and academic, ephemeral films, news and public, sports videos, blogs, youth media and religion.

To find you how to add a private channel to your Roku check the Roku FAQ here.  To see a listing of private channels that have not been kept “private” by their creators do a Google search or check this site here.  You can find The Internet Archive’s code here.



  1. I love Roku, for what it is and for its potential… I pay $200 a month on DirectTV, to get soccer, on FoxPlus, and Bein.
    All we watch is the Sony movie channel, and Sundance, and like that… No HBO junk.


    But…the $8 a month for Netflix is where we spend the most time,, and within that, I love this Teleread channel, as that is where the Internet Archives are hidden away…. Truly a treasure trove….. That guy, Khalie, the creator, should be acclaimed.

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