
From a News Release:

The Internet Archive, the leading non-profit repository of digital media assets, announced today that it has adopted Kaltura’s Video solution to enable its entire digital video library to seamlessly support both HTML5 and Flash in order to provide viewers an optimal online video experience across all browsers and on any portable device. Kaltura’s video player automatically identifies whether the device and browser require a Flash or HTML5 player, and delivers the content accordingly. This deployment follows a related project undertaken by the Wikimedia Foundation to power video in Wikipedia using the same Kaltura open source tools. An example of the Flash/HTML5 player can be seen here.


The Internet Archive has an educational video archive with over 500,000 assets, most of which are available via the Creative Commons license.

Read the Complete News Release

See Also: Internet Archive Now Supports HTML5 for a Half Million Videos (via Mashable)

Via INFOdocket


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