img-0170-thumb.jpgEarlier we mentioned that this had been reported by Now it has been confirmed by The Bookseller.

A petition was made in the Liverpool District Court by PR Beam Agency in late March and was granted on June 8. Interead’s websites are live, the article says, but ordering facilities no longer work and emails have not been answered. The company never filed its required accounts and it is not clear what disposition will be made of its remaining assets.

The Cool-er was lauched in 2009, and I remember the huge splash they made at the 2009 Book Expo America, where they defied the staid atmosphere of the show by fronting a Caribbean band and busty models in bathing suits (picture above). A larger picture of the booth from my coverage is here.


  1. i have a cooler e book that is broken and under warranty. i have tried and tried to get a replacement. if that is somehow possible please let me know. thanks also for the information about the company going under liquidation.

  2. I knew it was a bad idea to get one of these readers. Mine works fine, but I guess software upgrades won’t be happening. Guess I’ll just keep using it until it doesn’t work anymore and then throw it out. Should have just waited to get a Kindle now that they are less than $150. Just got it this past Christmas too, so less than 1 year and the company is gone. Nice!!!

  3. Bought one of these on recommendation. Can read classic books already on reader but cannot activate device to add my downloaded books. Guess its due to the liquidation but if anyone has any ideas i would be greatful.

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