
So says Andrys Basten in A Kindle World Blog.  Here’s the beginning:

Amazon makes it possible but doesn’t make it ultra-easy The two most popular ePub readers for Android are not made available for the Kindle Fire, as Amazon concentrates on its own books but, as with about 3 million free books available these days for reading on the Kindle and which Amazon points us to on their own pages (re Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, etc., all explained at this blog’s Free Kindle Books guide), Amazon doesn’t limit your ability to download non-Amazon books (despite the myths propagated by those who may just wish it were so).

With Amazon’s new KF8 (Kindle Format using HTML 5) capabilities, there is less reason to go out of one’s way to get an ePub version of a book for layouat reasons, but there will always be certain ePub books that Amazon doesn’t have, and now those, even if using Adobe DRM, can be read on a Kindle device – the Kindle Fire.

It’s an Android-based device, and there are Android apps written to read ePub files and, further more, ADOBE-DRM’d ePub files.

The two most commonly recommended ones are Aldiko and Mantano. You can download the Aldiko app from Aldiko, and there are a number of mostly-reliable places (LEN EDGERLY recommended one of my favorites,, for the Mantano app) that carry the Mantano app — you also need to sign up with and download its store app to get its apps. 

(Via A Kindle World blog.)


  1. to read drmed epub on kindle fire , we must know two things, one,kindle fire can’t read epub files. two, drmed books can’t be transferd or copied.
    so to read drmed epub on kindle fire we have to strip drm then convert epub to mobi. there are two software may he helpful.

    and a all in one epub, pdf and mobi converter.

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