Oldstyle Tales PressThis post is a bit of a cheat, as it’s a direct link to Halloween reading recommendations by someone else. But the recommendations are of such quality that I’d be even less fair not to share it.

Oldstyle Tales Press is an independent publisher of “artfully annotated illustrated anthologies of unforgettable horror classics,” based in Indiana and founded by Michael Grant Kellermeyer.”Ever since watching Bing Crosby’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow as a three year old, Michael has been enraptured by the ghastly, ghoulish, and the unknown.” His recommendations on “The Seven Archetypal Horror Stories You Should Read this Halloween (and 31 Suggested Stories)” are therefore exceptionally well-informed. They’re also almost all in the public domain and easily accessible through a quick Googling.

So take a look in passing at Oldstyle Tales Press’s own fine work, and enjoy the other blog posts on the history of horror and sundry horror works, as well as the chiaroscuro illustrations you have a taste of in this article, but study that list of recommendations in detail. You’ll learn plenty from it. And you’ll have a suitably disturbed and … um … happy? Halloween.



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