51560ujDwfL SL500 AA266 PIkin3 BottomRight 13 34 AA300 SH20 OU02I read Granta for years and I must admit I no longer remember the reason I discontinued the buying copies. However, this will make me come back. Granta has come to the Kindle. From the Granta site:

… Granta has never been – and I doubt it will ever be – small enough to put in your pocket. The memoirs and stories and reported pieces we publish are types of writing that benefit from expansive space. We want to look at the world in depth, at length. Two qualities often at odds with the way we live and consume information these days.

In thirty-one years of publishing, Granta has never come out in a different format. Ever since Bill Buford and Jonathan Levi took over Cambridge’s student literary journal and gave it new life as a paperback magazine it has been just that: a paperback quarterly full of new writing. …

The most important thing for us is that Granta can be read wherever and however people are reading. So if you like to read on a device, what I want to say is this: we’ve been hearing you. Follow the link here if you’d like to see what we’re saying in return.

However, the Kindle version is not a subscription, but gives you the ability to purchase single copies of the magazine. In the US the magazine goes for $12.23 on the Kindle and in the UK it is £6.47.


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