Google has conveniently levered off its own platform to deliver one of the most Google-friendly books you could possibly find on Google Play Books: The Secrets to App Success on Google Play: A guide to useful features, tips, and best practices that will help you grow a successful app business on Google Play. This handy guide aims to pretty much do what it says in the title, and is available for free download from Google Play Books. It’s also very much directed to the business model architect rather than the coder, with much of its emphasis on making the app work as a commercial operation.

“Users have more apps than ever to choose from, so you shouldn’t expect your app to be an overnight success without thinking about your business strategy – testing, marketing, customer support, localization, and more,” states Google’s introduction. Headings in the 81-page booklet include “Publishing on Google Play,” “Quality,” “Discoverability and reach,” and “Monetization,” as well as “Measurement with Google Analytics” and “Going Global.” Having said that, some reviewers are already reporting some payment issues with downloading the book, which is somewhat surprising for a free title, but for those with the patience, it likely will deliver at least some useful hints on how to really make that pet app project work. After all, with so many others out there, doesn’t yours deserve a chance too?


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