newsvault_507.gifFrom the press release:

Gale, part of Cengage Learning, today announced the release of Gale NewsVault, a specially designed online platform that enables cross-searching of Gale’s enormous range of historical newspaper and periodical collections from a single interface. Providing access to more than 2,000 titles and 10 million digitized pages, Gale NewsVault provides an unparalleled window to the past for researchers and students.

Libraries that have purchased any Gale historical newspaper or periodical collection will have immediate access to Gale NewsVault. Users are able to simultaneously search or browse across multiple products offered by their institution. Users will also see an “Additional Resources” button on their results page, which will enable them to view bibliographic information for documents in all Gale newspaper and periodical collections returned as a result of their query, even if their library has not purchased access to that particular collection. …

With Gale NewsVault users can browse by title and by place of publication, as well as cross-browse all content published on the same date. Users can read newspapers cover-to-cover in full screen or – using an advanced image viewer – save, print, highlight, bookmark, grab, pan, zoom and crop content and images.

Today, Gale NewsVault provides a single point of access to 10 Gale collections:
17th and 18th Century Burney Collection
19th Century British Library Newspapers Part I
19th Century British Library Newspapers Part II
19th Century UK Periodicals: New Readerships
19th Century UK Periodicals: Empire
19th Century U.S. Newspapers
Times Digital Archive 1785-1985
Illustrated London News Historical Archive 1842-2003
Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1902-2005
Financial Times Historical Archive 1888-2006


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