After what looked at first like a promising return with its “Grid 10” tablet products, The Verge reports that the tablet manufacturing company Fusion Garage seems to have entirely disappeared.

The Fusion Garage website only produces a database error, and Fusion Garage has not been responding to any requests for an update on the October 1 delivery date that came and went without the tablets being delivered. In fact, even Fusion Garage’s own PR firm has had such a hard time reaching the company that it has decided to cease representing it.

Of course, we don’t have anything other than the website’s error message—an error that TeleRead has itself thrown up on occasion (though our tireless IT staff quickly fixed it) and a lack of communication. Both of these things could change at any moment. However, the overdue tablet shipment does tend to make one want to assume the worst. I suspect the people who bought the original JooJoo tablet and were subsequently supposed to get a Grid 10 free are probably going to be disappointed.

Update: On his blog, Uncrunched, ex-TechCruncher Michael Arrington reports that Fusion Garage’s law firm is seeking permission from court to cease representing the company and withdraw from the legal case concerning the CrunchPad partnership with TechCrunch—because they haven’t had any contact (or payment) from the company in a long time, either.

(Found via CNet.)


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