From Circulating eBooks to PDAs in France Landowski Library Lends Life to eBooks–an item in InfoSynch:

Since May 2003, Landowski library in Boulogne-Billancourt has been running an experiment in lending eBooks for PDAs, Smartphones and Tablet PCs. The publishing company Mobipocket is the partner for this 12-month-long test which enables any registered reader of the library equipped with a compatible device to load various selected eBooks from an infra-red station located in the library. The works delete with time and include reference books like dictionaries and tourist guides. Readers will be able to access the works directly from home thanks to a web site specially adapted for the library.

The Shifted Librarian‘s Jenny Levine writes: “I finally found a page from the site describing this project, but of course it’s in French. Here’s the translation from Google, although it doesn’t really provide any further information. I’d be interested to see how the Library’s patrons feel about the project along with usage statistics.”


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