free.jpegI just received today’s email edition of the Kindle Nation, which mentions that you can pre-order a free copy of Tim Dorsey’s Atomic Lobster which will be delivered on December 29. So I ordered it for my Kindle, and found that the following books also showed up as free. I pass them on to you:

Vanish by Tom Pawlik
Metagame by Sam Landstrom
Not Your Mother’s Slow Cooker Recipes for Entertaining by Beth Hensperger
Already Dead by Charlie Huston
Monday Night Jihad by Steve Yohn

Kindle Nation also lists as free:

The Prayers of Agnes Sparrow by Joyce Magnin
The Kiribati Test by Stacey Cochran
Midnight in Madrid by Noel Hynd
Conspiracy in Kiev by Noel Hynd
Weaving Words by Kin Knox

and others.


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