Screen shot 2011 03 01 at 4 23 49 PMReceived the following from Slawomir “Mori” Malusecki. It seems like a neat idea to me:

Hi Paul,

I am the owner and administrator of, Polish website
about eBooks and eReaders. We’ve joined the REBWeek initiative this
year and already have some ideas what to do.

The current trend on the Web is to get people to do actions together
somehow. We tried to apply this to REBWeek and came up with an idea –
make a photo of eReaders (people, not devices) during reading eBooks
(no matter on what – be it PCs, mobile phones, tablets or dedicated
readers) and then upload it to Flickr with a eBookWeek tag (since
that’s the official REBWeek tag).

For such an initiative to be successful, we need as many people taking
part in it as possible. It’s no fun if there are only two or three
photos, but if there are two or three hundreds of them – that’s a
different story!

That’s why we’d like to ask whether you could help us spread the word.
We know you’ve already wrote about REBWeek on TeleRead, but maybe a
post about the “Make a picture of eReader” action could be posted on
March 6th?

Slawomir “Mori” Malusecki


  1. Nice idea, but while not wanting to bseem a spoilsport a short reminder to ask the people in question for their consent first, then take the pic and upload … Otherwise you’ll get yourself or rather Slawomir in trouble in some countries.

    But what am I talking about, this goes without saying really. ;o)

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