Screen shot 2011 06 07 at 10 40 53 AM

From the press release:

The Financial Times has today launched a new, faster and automatically updating app available directly through a web browser The FT is the first major news publisher to launch an app of this type, which will allow readers to access its award-winning journalism easily and quickly across a broad range of tablet and smartphone devices. As part of the launch, the new FT Web App will provide free access to FT content during launch week.

The FT Web App, built using HTML5 technology, features continual and automatic content downloads and improvements. It ensures that FT customers can access FT content anytime, anywhere, on a PC and multiple devices, with one login and one subscription payment.

From their website:

We have launched a new, faster, more complete app for the iPad and iPhone which is available via your browser rather than from an app store.

We’re encouraging our readers to switch immediately to the new FT web app, as many new features and sections will be added over the coming weeks. Make sure you don’t miss out on these updates.


A better, faster app

Using the new app has a number of benefits:

  • Web browser access – No download needed
  • Automatic enhancements – No need to visit an app store for the latest version
  • Reading offline – The latest edition is automatically stored for offline access
  • Speed – Improved performance on most connections
  • Greater range of content – Including video on iPhone



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