Only a couple of days remain to donate $20 to help Doctors Without Borders’s efforts in earthquake-torn Haiti if you want to receive the $1480 bundle of digital RPG content from DriveThruRPG that we covered here and here. The tally on the site currently stands at $162,200 donated by gamers to help out in Haiti.

This digital giveaway exemplifies one of the greatest benefits of the zero marginal cost of distribution of digital media. The low overhead of providing it means there is practically no cost to give it away, so it can serve as a very enticing inducement to help.

Even if 9/10 of the content does not interest you, you are still getting seven times the value of what you donate in material that does. And the money is going to a good cause.

After January 31st, the bundle will no longer be available to new donors. However, it will continue to be downloadable by people who have already donated to receive it, and DriveThruRPG will continue to accept donations for Doctors Without Borders.


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