
From the Association of European Research Libraries Blog:

The first phase of ingestion of content has finally begun in Europeana Libraries

It is now 8 months since the kick-off of the Europeana Libraries project and the first of the 5 million digital objects to be collected via Europeana Libraries have begun to be ingested.

Between now and the end of 2011 1.5 million objects will be ingested. This means that 9 of the 47 collections included in the project will have been processed by the end of this year.

The first phase of ingestion forms part of an ingestion schedule, which was created following a survey of the data contributors.

Already, about 1 million items are being processed from the Bodleian Library, University of Tartu Library, and the Bavarian State Library.

Read the Complete Blog Post

See Also: Direct to Europeana Libraries Project Web Site

Via INFOdocket


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