thumb.php.pngFrom the Ereaderclub in Holland. Here is a Google translation:

The entourage EDGE ™ is a revolutionary device, it features an LCD touchscreen that runs on Google Android and the other side it has an e-Ink screen using a stylus to navigate, hence the name “Dual Book. EDGE is the African Amer Inc Entourage. developed together with students and has helped it ideal for this group.

Ndigo Business Ltd, the importer and distributor of the popular Entourage EDGE ™ Dual Book for Benelux, distribute today’s entourage EDGE ™ in the Benelux. That demand is high evidenced by the many orders during the pre-order phase entered.

Ndigo Business B.V. is pleased with the positive response from businesses and schools, in recent days around the EDGE ™. CEO Tom Canters: “Partly because we have several Dutch distribution partners may find the Entourage EDGE ™ to introduce in the Netherlands”.

Thanks to woset for sending me the link.


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