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From Tay Omojukun, co-founder of EmbedPlus:

I’m Tay, a developer of “How do you pronounce and use…?” a new web dictionary resource by .   While researching, I landed on a past article of yours on Wordnik:  From that, I thought I’d send you the link work as it’s along the same lines as Wordnik but focusing on video, which offers unique benefits.  We’ve gotten lots of good feedback and hope you’d consider sharing.  Here’s our story:

Each day, language learners make several millions of word pronunciation requests on the internet. Many of these requests are handled by one of the many dictionaries that are available on the web. Typically, these dictionaries consist of static text and provide at most an audio pronunciation as multimedia.  Our mashup (“How do you pronounce and use…”) combines YouTube’s real life situations with a web dictionary to give users a more dynamic and active learning experience.

With it, users can search for a word and not only access conventional audio pronunciations but also time-stamped videos of real people in real situations speaking and using the word in context.   The videos could also help teach a word’s pronunciation more effectively by showing the facial gestures needed to produce it and illustrating how it is naturally pronounced with other words, not just in isolation. Again, read more here:


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