pick.jpgEbook marketing still needs a lot of work

Google ebookstore round-up By Gary Price

TeleRead traffic doubles on Christmas day – a lot of ereaders as presents?

Could computer games be the journalism of the future? by Chris Meadows

R. Scott Raynovich on the top five online newspaper killers – and one from me

Ebooks at year-end 2010 by Gary Price

Helpful advice for new Kindle owners by Chris Walters

First Google Books sales numbers are in for Munsey’s

For new and old Kindlers wanting to do more with their Kindles by Andrys Basten

Question of the year: does Amazon have too much power? by Rich Adin

The online future of Australian journalism, as seen by the industry itself by Jason Davis

Why I am a library traitor and love the Kindle, by Sarah Houghton-Jan

Holiday travel update: gadgets, gadgets, everywhere! by Joanna


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