pick.jpgA Red Lemonade Sampler by Richard Nash

Will E-Readers Eat the Tablet Computer? by Michael Mace

Why DRM is a distraction by Chris Walters

Kobo on top of the Canadian Giller Prize; the immediacy of ebooks

Amazon announces 70% revenue share for Kindle mags and newspapers; publishing tool available

On PDF Scissors for use with the Kindle; trim your PDFs for easier reading by Andrys Basten

Charleston Conference – ebook archiving, by Sue Polanka

Consumer interest in pirated ebooks is even lower than I thought, by Eric Hellman

Eating Trees / Reading Leaves by Matthew Hayler

Mike Shatzkin discusses e-book territorial restrictions by Chris Meadows

Chris Meadows’ Ebook Primer continues to be translated in Italy

View from Down Under: Borders AU slashes ebook prices to bite Apple on market share, by Jason Davis
Distributed Proofreaders just celebrated its 10th anniversary, by Marie Lebert


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