
From the Ebrary site:

This site is one of a series of searchable information centers that ebrary employees are creating on topics that are important to us. We understand that while there is a wealth of information on these topics available on the Internet, it is often difficult to find and search the data you need, especially across multiple sources.

To build this site, we gathered public domain PDF documents from government websites, and converted some information from web pages, Word documents, and other file types into PDF by “printing to PDF.” We then uploaded them into the ebrary system, which converts PDF documents into highly interactive, searchable databases, using our new DASH! feature and other ebrary services.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Federal Emergency Management Agency
International Tsunami Information Center
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
National Drought Mitigation Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Fire Administration
U.S. Geological Survey
other authoritative sources


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